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Cognition and Learning Laboratory Handbook

This handbook includes policies, information, and procedures for working in the Cognition and Learning Laboratory. For undergraduate students, the PSY 390/391/498 syllabus contains additional information about working in the lab for course credit. You can probably find the answers to most questions in this handbook, but if you ever have a question about working in the lab, please ask someone.

This handbook contains seven sections:

  1. Introduction. This section talks about the purpose of the lab, people and their roles in the lab, and an overview of the research process.
  2. Lab Policies. This section contains policies and important information about working in the lab on a day to day basis.
  3. Preparing Experiments. This section is for Lead Researchers. It provides details about all the steps involved in preparing an experiment.
  4. Data Collection. This section contains information about conducting experiments in the lab and online.
  5. Scanning and Archiving. This section contains information about how to properly scan and archive experiment documents following data collection.
  6. Experiment Programming Guide This section includes introductory information related to creating and programming web-based experiments.
  7. Resources. This section contains additional information and resources relevant to working in the Cognition and Learning Lab.