Present Stimuli/Study List
Study cue-target pair
// materials/stimuli.json
...inside experiment.js
//randomize the stimuli
this.studyList = jsPsych.randomization.shuffleNoRepeats(this.stimuli);
//repeate the following for every item on the study list
for (let i = 0; i < this.studyList.length; i++) {
let studyTask = {
type: "pcllab-core",
stimuli: [
{//show the current iteration's cue and target
text: `<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: 400; font-size: 24px">${this.studyList[i].cue} -- ${this.studyList[i].target}</div>`,
response_count: 0,
isi_time: 500,
cue_count: 0,
maximum_time: 1000 * 5,
data: {
phase: "Study",
cue: this.studyList[i].cue,
target: this.studyList[i].target,
candidate: this.studyList[i].candidate,