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Purdue Libraries

Purdue Libraries

TOC Alerts:

PsycALERT (APA Journals)
Taylor and Francis
Wiley Online Library

Big List of Journals

Journal 2023 Research Impact Factor
Acta Psychologica 1.0
American Educational Research Journal 3.5
American Journal of Psychology 0.9
American Psychologist 12.3
Annual Review of Psychology 23.6
Applied Cognitive Psychology 2.1
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 1.1
Child Development 3.9
Cognition 2.8
Cognition and Instruction 2.3
Cognitive Psychology 3.0
Cognitive Science 2.3
Computers and Education 8.9
Computers in Human Behavior 9.0
Contemporary Educational Psychology 3.9
Current Directions in Psychological Science 7.4
Developmental Psychology 3.1
Discourse Processes 2.1
Educational Psychologist 14.3
Educational Psychology Review 10.1
Educational Researcher 5.4
Educational Technology Research and Development 3.3
Instructional Science 2.6
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 4.7
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 2.8
Journal of Educational Data Mining N/A
Journal of Educational Computing Research 4.0
Journal of Educational Psychology 5.6
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 1.8
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 2.7
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 3.7
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 2.1
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 2.2
Journal of Learning Analytics 2.9
Journal of Memory and Language 2.9
Journal of Research in Reading 2.0
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 3.6
Learning and Instruction 4.7
Memory 2.2
Memory & Cognition 2.2
Metacognition and Learning 3.9
Nature 50.5
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10.5
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 9.4
Psychological Science 4.8
Psychological Bulletin 17.3
Psychological Review 5.1
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 3.2
Psychology and Aging 3.7
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1.5
Reading Psychology 1.2
Reading Research Quarterly 3.9
Review of Educational Research 8.3
Review of Research in Education 2.4
Science 44.7
Science Education 3.1
Scientific Studies of Reading 2.9
Topics in Cognitive Science 2.9
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16.7


Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference (2008)
Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference (2017)