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Getting On Board

There are several things you will need to do to get on board and prepared to work in the lab.

  • Complete a registration form (PSY 390/391/498 only). You will obtain this from your academic advisor and email it to Dr. Karpicke ( to sign. Once the form is signed you will need to return it to your advisor. Make sure to have the form returned before the deadline for adding a course. View the deadlines here.
  • Complete CITI training. You will need to complete the curriculum for the learner group "Social Behavioral Research for Investigators and Key Personnel" and "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training – Basic Course – For Undergraduate Students". Please follow these instructions to register and begin training. Once you have completed the training, save the completion report into a PDF file named “Last Name_First Name_CourseName” (use your name and the name of the completed course. That is, either be "Group2" or "RCR"). Finally, send the PDF to the Lab Manager. This must be completed before you can begin working with subjects or their data.
  • Get a Sona account. Once you have completed CITI training, have someone from the lab (a post doc, grad student, or lab technitian) request a Sona account for you.
  • Get added to Slack. Have someone in the lab add you to Slack.
  • Get added to Google calendars. Have someone in the lab add you to the Google calendars.
  • Get added to Box. Have someone in the lab add you to Box.
  • Complete Lab Orientation.
  • Read the Introduction, Lab Policies, and Running Lab Experiments sections of the Lab Handbook. Keep reading!